National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research
The National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinarian Research I. P. (INIAV) is the Portuguese State Laboratory of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture that performs research activities in the agricultural and veterinary fields. It has the task of carrying out scientific and policy research to support public policies while defending national interests and deepening Europe’s common policies. Additionally, INIAV provides laboratory services and scientific and technical support to both farmers and industry. Its National Reference Laboratories perform official analysis in the fields of animal health, plant health, food and feed safety. Moreover, the preservation and management of the plant and animal germplasm databases as well as of the national collections of reference are also included in INIAV’s responsibilities.
INIAV/BPGV is a full partner of PRO-GRACE project and is mainly involved in work packages WP1 (Plant genetic resources inventory and information system), WP2 (Quality-certified ex situ and in situ management), but is also involved in WP4 (Plant genetic resources evaluation and valorization) and WP6 (Communication, dissemination, exploitation and training). BPGV’s expertise will contribute towards the development of activities in PRO-GRACE, mainly in what concerns genebank management and quality control, field phenotyping and evaluation, as well as plant genomics and bioinformatics. BPGV is the FAO national focal point for the Portuguese national inventory of plant genetic resources and is responsible for ex situ and in situ conservation of landraces and crop wild relatives. BPGV was the leading institution in the development of the National Plant Germplasm System, and is now responsible for its correct implementation.
Main Contacts

Ana Maria Barata
Octávio Serra